Tag: task management

Keeping the Holidays Happy: Connecting with Stakeholders

In times of stress and uncertainty, it can be tempting to focus internally to protect your team and reduce risk. For project managers, though, the end of the year provides a good opportunity to look outward to check-in and connect with your project stakeholders. Pryor Learning’s “Project Management Fundamentals” training…
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Leading Through the Holidays: Project Management Tips

For many, end-of-year work parties will look a little different this year.  With many employees teleworking more often, and with many practicing social distancing, crowded office parties or project team lunches are unlikely for many. As a Project Manager, you can still find ways to make the holidays special.  Here…
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End-of-Year Check-in: Managing Projects Through the Holidays

We are fast approaching the end of the year – when you wake up on January 1, what projects do you want to feel most proud of?  Let’s walk through some steps to set your end-of-year project management efforts up for success! Pryor’s “Project Management Fundamentals” training series gives you…
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