Category: Management, Supervision & Leadership

Sizzling Summers: Staying Safe and Healthy

Heat is a major consideration during the summer months – but other concerns are important to keep in mind too. Let’s look at guidelines for enjoying and productively engaging in outdoor activities, while minimizing the risks associated with heat exposure and other summer hazards.

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Mental Health in the Workplace: Building on Change

Mental health and employee well-being are important aspects of workplace safety and health, and more and more workplaces are elevating the topic to the same level as physical safety.

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Building a Positive Work Environment: A DEI Perspective

Creating a positive work environment within the framework of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) or DEIB (Belonging) requires a broad approach that addresses different aspects of organizational culture, policies and practices.  It starts with creating a sense of belonging. 

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI):  Starting with Recruiting

Perspectives and tools for building diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) continue to evolve in organizations, as more people are part of the conversations that truly encourage employee engagement, a positive work environment and a sense of belonging.

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When to Manage and When to Lead? 

Many articles talk about the difference between the activities of management and leadership. Many times, these articles make it sound like leadership is just a little bit better - a higher ideal to aspire to. Managers keep the trains on track and keep a tight watch over their teams. Leaders are visionary and inspire the organization towards a brighter future. 

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Becoming a Manager and Leader: How to Start

Many young professionals would like to become managers and leaders as they grow in their careers. But how do you start? Many junior level staff are looking for ways to breakthrough to the next level of supervision or management.  This article talks about how to make this jump.

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A Guide to Burnout for Friends and Supervisors

With all the change in the world and across workplaces, it is likely that most friends and supervisors know someone experiencing burnout.  This article gives tips for recognizing and supporting others.

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Burnout: When “Just Breathe” is a Bust

It’s been a tough few years for a lot of people.  We faced a global pandemic, supply chain challenges have complicated simple tasks, inflation makes it hard to make ends meet, new technology and turnover force constant changes at work, and worker shortages stretch us both as providers and consumers.

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Learning From Failure: A Failed Fit

When someone is said to be "not a good fit" in an organization, they often mean the person’s personality, work style, values or attitudes do not align well with the team’s dynamic or organizational culture. In many cases, the technical skills are not part of this “lack of fit” determination – a person was hired based on skill, and they do indeed have those skills.

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Learning From Failure

Most Pryor blog articles are pretty positive – we want to emphasize and build on your strengths, and approach your continuous learning and development through an encouraging lens.  Appreciating and leveraging the positive options ahead creates a spirit of optimism and motivation.

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