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5 Excel Data Entry Tips and Tricks You’ll Wish You’d Learned Earlier

When you start learning Excel, you begin by using the simplest methods for entering data and creating calculations. It is a credit to the software that so many tasks are able to be performed by the most inexperienced of users right from the beginning of their training.

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National Safety Month: Assess and Act

The first step in developing or revising your personal or organizational safety plan is assessment. Here are several areas that you should consider – either as a leader of others, or for your own safety and well-being.

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National Safety Month: Tips for Observing Workplace Safety

The National Safety Council is America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate and provides a variety of tools and resources that organizations and leaders can use to create safer workplaces.  The organization celebrates June as National Safety Month, making it an appropriate time to pause and take stock of safety practices at work, at home and on the road.

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How to Lock Cells in Excel to Protect Your Work from Changes

We’ve all done it.  Mis-clicked. Mis-typed. Hit enter when we meant to hit tab. And while it’s frustrating to make mistakes in a spreadsheet of our own data, when managing important company assets those mistakes can have expensive consequences.

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Global Employee Health and Fitness Month: Tips for Leaders

Global Employee Health and Fitness Month sets aside a specific month of the year to help organizations focus on physical fitness and healthy lifestyles.  Encouraging active living, quality physical education and health programs can have long term benefits for individuals, teams and organizations.

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Global Employee Health and Fitness Month: The Employer’s Guide

At the start of the year, many people set ambitious and optimistic health and fitness goals as part of their New Year's resolutions. And, too many people also find that those goals tend to fade away as the year unfolds.

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How to Password Protect an Excel File

Information in today’s corporate environment is as important as raw materials are to a manufacturer or labor is to the service industry. Organizations collect data from consumers, vendors, employees and even competitors every day.

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How to Diffuse Difficult Situations

Effective communication is an essential skill for life and work – and diffusing difficult situations is an activity that we should all generally work to excel at.  Difficult situations can happen for many different reasons:   

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Dealing With a Rude or Aggressive Customer

Many people have struggled over the past two years.  Lives have become increasingly unpredictable – with uncertainty about jobs, the economy, health and school. 

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Clean Out Your Computer Day! How to Organize Email

Many people spend hours on email each day.  It is a key tool for communication, and to connect people within and between organizations. From an organization perspective, it is also used to record critical decisions, help people remember timelines and save critical files.

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