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Three Lenses of Effective Leadership
Leadership is a complex and multifaceted activity that requires a combination of skills, traits, perspectives, and behaviors. In this article, we look at leadership through three different lenses: personality, emotion and social awareness.
Thirty Tips for Leaders
The best “Top Ten” lists are fun because they are informative and educational AND easy to absorb. So, in this article, we review THREE Top 10 lists related to leadership, for a total of 30 tips.
Factors in Designing a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Program
Organizations continue to recognize the benefits of a diverse team: broader talent pools, deeper dialogue, more holistic views of the customer perspective, and more complete decision-making. To better define and implement diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs, organizations are conducting assessments, bringing in training and implementing changes on both systemic and personal levels.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Living Mindfully
Organizations around the country are introducing formal diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs to harness the power of difference and mutual respect in organizations. However, making these DEI programs real comes down to real people communicating and working with each other every day: with peers, supervisors, teams, customers and colleagues.
Basic Excel Skills Employers Want and How to Get Them
Microsoft Excel is one of the most widely used applications in the business world. It is an essential tool for organizing and analyzing data, and being proficient in its use is a necessary skill for many jobs.
Business Writing for Clarity and Impact
The best writing is clear communication that your audience can understand and use. This helps increase effectiveness and accountability – in other words, your writing will have greater impact, because people will know what to expect next or what to do.
Business Writing and Grammar: Real World Tips
Writing is a key skill and core competency in most workplaces. Why? Writing communicates essential information in a way that others can access and use. Every piece you create should have a goal, and the structure and words in that document should fulfill that goal.
More Ways to Convert PDF Files into Excel Data
When it comes to storing, analyzing and visualizing data, Microsoft Excel is the preferred choice. But, when the source of the data you need to analyze is contained within a PDF file, your first step is going to be getting it into Excel.
How to Convert a PDF to Excel Using Get Data
The Portable Document Format, known best by its acronym and file type “PDF”, was developed by Adobe Systems in 1993 and has remained the standard for consumer printing, publishing and electronic sharing ever since. It is no wonder, then, that every now and then the need to convert information stored in a PDF into an Excel worksheet comes up. Powerful tools are destined to collaborate.
Learning from a Hybrid Team: A Case Study in Transition
When the pandemic hit, the team went fully remote, quickly establishing procedures and processes to work fully from home. The organization also altered its business model to meet the new emerging needs of its customers, and started to expand.