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Impress Your Colleagues with Excel Dial Charts

If you’re looking for a modern way to visualize your data, check out the Excel dial chart. Dial charts are a natural fit for dashboard-style interfaces and are also referred to as speedometer charts because of the visual similarity to a car’s speedometer. Dial charts work well for indicating performance…
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The Ins and Outs of Excel Rounding Formula

There are several Excel functions that will help you round numbers to the appropriate format. You can create formulas using these functions to get your data looking the way you want it. An Excel rounding formula allows for rounding to a specific number of decimal places, the nearest even or…
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Guide to Using $ in Excel Formulas

There might be times when you do not want Excel to adjust all or part of your formula automatically. For example, you may have a table of standard multipliers that you use in the formula and want the same cell to always be used to multiply. The answer: an absolute…
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Best Practices for Employee Recognition

While you can’t praise too often, you can praise badly. This is the premise of a recent white paper titled, “The Manager’s Field Guide to Recognition”[1]. For some managers, employee recognition comes naturally. For others – perhaps even most - creating a system for effective feedback can seem time-consuming and…
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Implementing an Employee Recognition Committee

The benefits of a happy workforce are compelling: improved retention, increased productivity, reduced absenteeism. A survey by the employee recognition consulting company, Globoforce®, indicates that happy employees are 85% more efficient and 10 times less likely to take sick leave. Globoforce also discovered that peer recognition is a powerful motivator…
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Low Cost Activities to Recognize Employees

When you manage employees you may find yourself using words like “Employee Engagement” and “Company Culture”. Employee Recognition Programs may be on your radar as an effective tool for impacting both engagement and employee satisfaction. A survey published by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and Globoforce®[1], suggests that…
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Use Excel Auto-fill for Formulas and More!

Problem: You have a standard salary multiplier for overtime hours that you want to calculate the same way every time. The formula you generate needs to appear along an entire row of data, and across several worksheets, but you don’t want to type it out each time. Solution: Copy your…
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Create an Excel Pivot Chart from Your PivotTable

Problem:  You have data with thousands of donors and their annual gifts listed. The PivotTable you are using still doesn't help you see which donors gave the most or how many donors gave you donations at various giving tiers. Solution:  Create a PivotChart. You may need a visual representation of…
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March Fourth and Put Your Best Foot Forward

The end of the first quarter traditionally shows high hiring rates. Whether you are starting a new job this month, or just looking to "March Forth on March Fourth" in your current position, here are some tips from business leaders and coaches to help you put your best foot forward.…
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How to Share Big Picture Data with an Excel Timeline Chart

It can be difficult to quickly, efficiently communicate project timelines. A graphic representation of your deadlines and milestones can clear up a somewhat complicated meeting. Think of project management. You can see when certain processes are started and completed in relation to other processes. Or, try an Excel timeline chart…
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