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Can You Permanently Save a Macro in Excel for Use in All Workbooks?

Have you ever lost your macro or decided it is just too useful for only one workbook? You can save your macro in PERSONAL.xlsb to apply the macro to all workbooks that you open and use on your computer. (Macros stored in personal.xlsb will not be available on other computers.)…
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Excel Macro: Relative Reference

Excel records Macros in absolute mode by default. In absolute mode, a Macro will start working in the same cell it was in when it was recorded. If, when it was recorded, A1 was the active cell, then it will return to A1 and begin working from there no matter…
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How to Calculate Median in an Excel PivotTable – Almost!

A frequent question that comes up when working with Excel PivotTables is how to calculate median using the table's filters and analysis. The short answer is "Excel doesn't do that". Meaning, there isn't a simple way to change the Value Field Settings to calculate "Median". The closest you can get…
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Thoughts about Finding Work-Life Balance

The idea of work-life balance can be controversial. Some successful people say that it's nearly impossible to achieve a real balance between one's career and one's personal life. Others use some variation of the tired phrase, "Work to live, don't live to work." It's important to remember that work-life balance…
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Strategies for Balancing Work and Life

At the beginning of a new year, you've probably been hearing a lot about work-life balance. You may find yourself asking: How am I supposed to achieve this balance? There are so many suggestions out there that it can be difficult to decide what advice to follow. One approach is…
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The Benefits of Work-Life Balance

The modern office can be hectic. New projects, deadlines and new crises can result in long hours at work. Worse, smartphones enable our jobs to spill over into our homes, allowing emails and messages to demand our attention at all hours. Research indicates that a lack of balance between work…
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How to Use an Excel IF Function

Sometimes you need your data to tell you more about itself. The versatile IF function is how you can turn raw numbers into useful information. For example: Your wholesale company charges different rates depending on the size of bulk orders – customers who order more receive volume discounts. You want…
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How to Create PivotTables Using the Quick Analysis Tool in Excel

Storing information is only part of the useful things Excel spreadsheets can do. Once you have collected a set of data, Excel can help you organize it and analyze it. One of the most powerful tools for analysis is the PivotTable. PivotTables do more than generate graphs out of one…
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The Right Way to Create an Excel Rolling Chart

Creating reports on a regular schedule is a common task for the business Excel user. When you need to create a Rolling chart that reflects data in a specific timeframe – such as the previous 12 months - you can quickly find yourself in a maintenance nightmare, updating your charts…
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Five Principles of Goal Setting Theory

Most westerners believe you can achieve more by setting goals. But why is this such an accepted practice? Psychologist Edwin A. Locke and his colleague, Dr. Gary Latham, are credited with popularizing the modern concept of strategic goal making. Their work, research that spanned 25 years, confirmed the ancient notion…
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