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Social Media Metrics – What Does Success Look Like?

An old but wise saying is: “what gets measured gets done.”  The corollary is, measure what you want to DO. Many organizations are using social media to connect with customers – the best ones know what success looks like in the long run.  To move towards this approach, take a…
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Tracking Social Media: A Strategic View

Social media moves fast, and you are never done. This can make social media tracking, with any kind of metric dashboard or analytics tool particularly challenging.  It can also put you into a reactive mode, where you spend more time tracking clicks than focusing on your overarching goals.  Here are…
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Productive Pinning with Pinterest®

Pinterest® is one of the newer and less well known social media “kids on the block,” but used wisely with the right audience, it can add a nice dimension to your marketing tool portfolio. The core metaphor driving Pinterest is the “bulletin board” – different users have different topic boards.…
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Three Types of Leadership Creativity

There are many forms of creativity – some creative ideas are abstract ideas that come from seemingly nowhere; other creative ideas are incremental improvements or a new way to frame a problem or an existing process. Most leaders excel at one or two types of creativity – this is driven…
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Choosing Creativity: A Problem-Solving Exercise

Some people are naturally creative. New ideas and innovative approaches come with ease, and they thrive on generating new possibilities or troubleshooting ideas.  Of course, creative ideas are just that – ideas – and leveraging that creativity for problem-solving can be challenging. For others, creativity does not flow as easily,…
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Creativity and Risk

Martin looked at his computer screen – he had been carefully drafting an email to his boss with a new idea, but was hesitant to push send. His boss, John, was known for being somewhat risk averse. New ideas were often rejected, with dismissive comments such as: We tried that…
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Charting Better Time Management with a Pareto Analysis

To solve a problem, we must understand it. A lot of effective time and project management is understanding the root causes that lead to quality problems, or to increased time on a project.  A Pareto Analysis is an approach for identifying, classifying and visualizing the causes driving a problem or…
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Microlearning: An Overview

A brief video . . . a quick game . . . a job aid . . . Microlearning is a short lesson on one topic. Since these lessons take only 30 seconds to a few minutes each, they fit well in even the busiest staff members’ schedules. With some…
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The ABC’s of an ABC Analysis

A lot of time and project management is making smart lists. Most people make “To Do” lists – long strings of activities with various levels of importance and urgency. Then, once complete, we get to check the activities off the list, often with a sense of closure and satisfaction. Organized…
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The Pareto Principle: Maximizing Your Impact

Do you ever get to the end of the day, wonder where it went and struggle to name your successes or impact?  Too often, the day seems to develop a momentum of its own, and by the end of 8 (or 9 or 10) hours, it’s hard to name the…
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