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Building Balance in a Company Culture

Think about the organizational culture of your company. Is it centralized or decentralized? Top-down or bottom up? Traditional or innovative?  We are so used to seeing organizational culture in binary terms: “this or that,” rather than “both and.” In today’s world of speed and complexity, a different perspective is needed.…
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Learn How to Manage and Accept Change

In business change is all around us, perhaps it’s a new software program that changes the way you complete your daily work, maybe your CEO retired, and the new CEO has a completely different management style, possibly you’re going through a merger or downsizing. We’ve all heard the saying “If…
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Shaping Change In Your Organization: A Better Change Management Plan

A wonderful coach recently noted, “People don’t avoid change. They avoid pain.” She went on to stress that change management tools must consider change management behaviors— which are driven by underlying feelings and emotions. How does change cause pain?  When an employee or organization is asked to change, it can…
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Deliver Great Customer Service Using Reversal Theory

Effective customer service requires understanding and responding to a customer’s motives and needs. When a need is met, the customer feels positive emotion. When a need is not met, negative feelings may result. SAVE $10 AND TRAIN ON THIS TOPIC TODAY REGISTER NOW Reversal Theory is a psychological framework that…
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Love Your Customers

No matter what business you are in, if you don’t have customers, you don’t have a business. You want to build a strong relationship with your customers that keeps them coming back. Afterall, customers do business with people they know, like and trust. Let’s ensure they don’t just “like” you…
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Mentoring Expectations

At the ripe old age of eighteen I was promoted into my first assistant-manager position. To say I knew nothing about leading people was an understatement. Two weeks into my promotion I actually heard the words “Because I’m your boss and I said so” come out of my mouth. Wowza,…
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Discover the Best Mentoring Plan

Abigail Adams once wrote, “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” If you are involved in a mentor/mentee relationship, you already know the importance of creating a plan for career growth and development. And you know that goals are…
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Super-cali-OSHA-listic-expi-ali-docious: A Safety Song

In 1964, Mary Poppins hit the theaters, and the word Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious was born. To commemorate it’s return to theaters, let’s have some fun with Pryor’s rendition of Super-cali-OSHA-listic-expi-ali-docious!   ♫ When noise is loud, and all you hear is danger all around, Then drop those decibels, and safety soon shall…
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OSHA Ergonomics

In my former career as a facilities manager I was tasked with overseeing all of our OSHA compliance. We were a small company of forty-five employees primarily all office/desk workers. A few months after we moved into a newly built facility with all new furniture (chairs, articulating keyboard trays, etc.),…
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Four Activities to Build a Safety Culture

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a mission to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women, by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance ( Making sure those standards are met, of course, is up to your organization. While…
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