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“Ahoy, me hearties!” Communicating with Pirates

While not likely on your official work calendar, September 19th is “Talk Like a Pirate Day,” so let’s get ready to celebrate!  The holiday is whimsical and informal, celebrating a positive pop-culture vision of pirates and their unique language conventions and practices. The holiday also reminds us that to get…
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How Do You Lead? Team Leadership Assessment

Successful teams generally have a successful leader–either out front or behind the scenes–guiding the way.  If you lead a team, here’s a quick assessment to reflect on how you are doing: Strengths – What strengths do you have in leading the team? How are these strengths reflected in the team’s…
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Temporary Teams Are Typically Required When Solving One Problem

When talking about team building, much attention is given to long-term teams instead of temporary teams. Long-term teams are typically required when they fulfill the main functions of your organization, such as sales teams, health and safety teams, employee motivation teams, etc. Such teams are consistent fixtures within your organization.…
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Five Social Activities for Connecting Virtual Teams

Every team needs a break!  Over time, people have grown comfortable with increased remote and virtual work–adjusting business practices and interactions to complete work at a distance.  It is also worth taking some time to build in some team level breaks and opportunities for social connection.  Here are five great…
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Communication Tips in a COVID World

As of this writing, COVID cases have emerged across the country, and many of us are working to communicate through shifting “new normal” conditions.  Here are some quick reminder tips for planning for face-to-face communications, and for engaging in virtual interactions in these uncertain times. When planning for face-to-face communications:…
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Lead Like a Pirate

Avast, me hearties, and listen well! In the lighthearted spirit of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, let’s envision the romanticized version of these rapscallions of the sea and reflect on their positive qualities. After all, pirate captains had to have masterful communication and leadership skills to steer a band…
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The Business Ethics of Black Lives Matter

As we write this, protests are spreading across the United States, with demands that leaders confront systemic racism and discrimination. What started as a focus on policing is shifting to a broader dialogue about what both individuals and businesses are doing to foster fairness and equality. Eliminating systemic racism, and…
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Business Ethics in a COVID World

Many workplaces are beginning the return to office spaces and normal operational status as the numbers of COVID-19 cases flatten across the country. There remain risks of a resurgence of the virus, so the return to work will raise ethical questions and choices for many managers as they establish new…
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Workplace Safety at Home: Assessing Your Environment

Take a look at your home office – what might an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspector see?  As more organizations move to increased levels of telework, it is important for leaders to revisit their policies and practices related to home office support, and for teleworking employees to take…
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Assessing Workplace Safety in the New Normal

For many years, workplace safety leaders have looked to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for definitive guidance on workplace safety. In a COVID-19 pandemic-savvy world though, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will also be a source of useful information. Many organizations have relocated staff to…
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