Category: Management, Supervision & Leadership

Building Balance in a Company Culture

Think about the organizational culture of your company. Is it centralized or decentralized? Top-down or bottom up? Traditional or innovative?  We are so used to seeing organizational culture in binary terms: “this or that,” rather than “both and.” In today’s world of speed and complexity, a different perspective is needed.…
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Learn How to Manage and Accept Change

In business change is all around us, perhaps it’s a new software program that changes the way you complete your daily work, maybe your CEO retired, and the new CEO has a completely different management style, possibly you’re going through a merger or downsizing. We’ve all heard the saying “If…
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Shaping Change In Your Organization: A Better Change Management Plan

A wonderful coach recently noted, “People don’t avoid change. They avoid pain.” She went on to stress that change management tools must consider change management behaviors— which are driven by underlying feelings and emotions. How does change cause pain?  When an employee or organization is asked to change, it can…
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Mentoring Expectations

At the ripe old age of eighteen I was promoted into my first assistant-manager position. To say I knew nothing about leading people was an understatement. Two weeks into my promotion I actually heard the words “Because I’m your boss and I said so” come out of my mouth. Wowza,…
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Discover the Best Mentoring Plan

Abigail Adams once wrote, “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” If you are involved in a mentor/mentee relationship, you already know the importance of creating a plan for career growth and development. And you know that goals are…
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Motivational States: Understand and Shape Employee Motivation

It’s hard to measure employee motivation in the workplace. Different people are motivated by different things at different times. Given this changeability, how do we create a motivational strategy that will benefit the entire organization? A psychological tool called Reversal Theory can help. This theory provides a list of eight…
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Seven Simple Actions that Build Employee Motivation

Thoughtfully motivating employees requires focused energy and a diverse set of motivational strategies and tools.  There are also simple activities that can support employee motivation. Here’s a list of opportunities to motivate others. Commit to them, and you will see positive outcomes in both the short and long term. Say…
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Advancing Leadership for Women

2018 has seen a lot of women’s movements with women rising up in media, politics and business. While there have been positive changes there are still few women in today’s top leadership roles. According to the Pew Report [1] women occupy less than 22% in the US Senate, US House…
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Building New Leaders

In Pryor Learning seminars, we often meet professionals who are eager to lead, but are not yet supervisors or managers. Many say, “I’m not a leader yet;” or ask, “How do I lead when I have no control?” Our seminars and online learning focus on developing leadership competencies in emerging…
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Three Management Success Books

Looking for some good management books for National Reading Month? Here are three that have been around a while but remain timeless in their insights. “The Goal” by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox (North River Press; 30th Anniversary Edition; 2014). Who thought an operations management book could be such…
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