Category: Management, Supervision & Leadership

Low Cost Activities to Recognize Employees

When you manage employees you may find yourself using words like “Employee Engagement” and “Company Culture”. Employee Recognition Programs may be on your radar as an effective tool for impacting both engagement and employee satisfaction. A survey published by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and Globoforce®[1], suggests that…
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Women in Leadership

Last year marked a historic representation of women leading Fortune 500 companies. More women CEOs than ever made the list, a total of 24, up from 20 in 2013. Fortune magazine has been keeping track since 1998. Just one woman was on the list that first year.[1] Other “firsts” for…
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Informal Leadership: Leaders from Unconventional Places

Who are the most important leaders in your organization? Make a list of the top five to ten. Chances are good that your list consists exclusively of team leads, supervisors, managers and executives. Unfortunately, this means you’re forgetting some of the most important and influential figures your company depends on…
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Leadership Principles: Culture Shock 2015

Between November and February, pop culture pundits across the country tell us what trends to expect in the coming year in everything from clothing to language. Business is not exempt from these predictions, and articles abound that intend to tell you what to expect from various corporate topics in 2015…
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Inclusive Leadership Style

How inclusive of a leader are you? Take this quiz to find out. A member of your team asks you how to tackle a project.  You say: Do it Just. Like. This. There are lots of possible approaches, but I’d do it like this. Hm. What were some of your…
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Motivating and Inspiring Employees

Working on a project and everyone is burnt out? Get them excited again with these tips. Employees are a vital component to company success. While other factors influence organizational gains, your workforce is a sustainable entity that maximizes productivity and progress.  Create an ideal atmosphere to improve employee engagement and…
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Managing through Company Changes: Helping Employees with Office Transitions

When you manage an organization – any organization – through a period of change, there are four main stages to navigate. Preparation The End The Transition The New Beginning The firm I worked for divided the change as many organizations do: They rightfully spent time on preparation, but forgot to…
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Building an Effective Team – Choosing the best candidates to get the job done.

As a company leader, your time is as valuable as it is limited. You depend on your teams to take care of day to day business and make effective decisions in line with your organization’s purpose and best interest. The key is an autonomous, powerful team that works effectively without…
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You Owe It to Yourself to Take that “Leap of Faith”

Remember when your career depended on a leader to recognize your potential? They spent time with you to encourage your skills and talent. You are now in a better place because of the potential they saw in you. It’s time to pay it forward!  Your career growth resulted from managers…
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Why Aren’t You Delegating?

Effective delegation is one of your most effective efficiency tools—don’t let hesitation stand in your way of using it! “Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.”—General George Patton One of the most important skills a smart leader…
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