Category: Human Resourses Training

Is Overtime Pay for Exempt Employees Really Becoming Law?

Well, not actual overtime pay for exempt employees. But, it will feel that way when your overtime exempt workers hear this: “You may be getting a pay raise if you make less than $50,440 a year (before taxes)!”  Wait, what? About 15 million salaried overtime exempt employees who have earned about…
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Danger Zones That Can Trip Up Even the Most Seasoned HR Professional

Let's talk about "best practices" that can minimize the legal threat all HR professionals face – be they seasoned or beginning. Think consistency in enforcement. This is a tricky because we always think we are being consistent - we are not. Using checklists will help when you are hiring, giving performance…
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The Essentials of Employee Coaching, Counseling, and Discipline

Virtually all aspects of HR and management practices impact employee rights. Think hiring, performance appraisals, quality control, references or employment disciplinary actions taken. Providing proper coaching and advice to your supervisors and managers is essential. How would you answer the following questions? Can we install a security camera in the…
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Family and Medical Leave Act 2013 Update and New Regulations

While the Department of Labor's (DOL) new posting requirements for FMLA have taken effect, the updated regulatory changes apply mainly to FMLA provisions not often used by employees in the workplace. Lets highlight a few of the key issues with regard to the revisions: The new regulations require covered employers…
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