Category: Human Resourses Training

Reacting to Diversity Topics – Looking Inward

Too often, diversity awareness becomes lists of differences. Black or White, Hispanic or Non-Hispanic, Asian or long lists of “Others.” Male, Female, Transgender. Gay, Straight, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Queer. Democrat, Republican, Independent. Christian, Jewish, Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim. Disabled, Differently Abled. Over time, more terms and categories emerge – and each individual…
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The Business Ethics of Black Lives Matter

As we write this, protests are spreading across the United States, with demands that leaders confront systemic racism and discrimination. What started as a focus on policing is shifting to a broader dialogue about what both individuals and businesses are doing to foster fairness and equality. Eliminating systemic racism, and…
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Business Ethics in a COVID World

Many workplaces are beginning the return to office spaces and normal operational status as the numbers of COVID-19 cases flatten across the country. There remain risks of a resurgence of the virus, so the return to work will raise ethical questions and choices for many managers as they establish new…
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Coronavirus in the Workplace: Key HR Issues

The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has gone from a handwashing and elbow-bumping conversation to the most significant workplace issue we have ever seen. Employers are confronting dilemmas that change every day. Questions regarding how to handle emergency leave, workplace safety and health, furloughs, layoffs and mandated closing of businesses…
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Microlearning Course Design

When considering how to integrate new approaches—like microlearning—into your overall employee development efforts, it can be useful to get back to basics. In this article, we place microlearning within a broader training development structure. Let’s start at the broadest levels of training development: learning paths, curricula and courses. These learning…
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Employee Engagement: A Case Study

In this article, we share a case study about an organization that dramatically improved its employee engagement scores related to performance management.  The organization received feedback that high performance was not sufficiently differentiated and acknowledged in the organization, and rewards were not well aligned with performance. First, the management team…
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Workplace Harassment: Assessing the Burden of Proof

Allegations of harassment can raise strong feelings of anger, guilt, defensiveness and vulnerability. Amidst this emotion, the people handling the incident must consider what the burden of proof will be when assessing what to do when someone is accused of harassing someone else. That burden can vary, depending on a…
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Beyond the Buzzwords: Recognizing Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment is prohibited under several Federal Acts (or laws) — these laws prohibit discrimination based on sex, age, disability, religion, disability and many other factors. Beyond the buzzwords of legal documents, however, the threshold of harassment can be sometimes hard to establish. Here are some examples: Emily is known…
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Conduct a Training Needs Assessment in Five Easy Steps

You know that your organization is facing some difficulties – mistakes, inefficiencies, inconsistencies, revenue and customer losses and more, all indicate as much. The question is, what should you do to address them? The first solution that springs to mind is almost always “training,” and that is a great start!…
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Quiz: Is it Sexual Harassment?

Test your knowledge about which behaviors warrant investigation by HR—and possibly the EEOC. Sexual harassment is making the news a lot these days, but most of the complaints that HR hears about day-to-day aren't quite as clear-cut—or egregious—as the reports against former Fox CEO Roger Ailes, Kevin Spacey and Charlie…
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