Category: Excel®

Using Conditional Formatting: If Statements in Excel

*Steps in this article will apply to Excel 2007-2016. Images were taken using Excel 2016. If you are a fan of Excel’s conditional formatting feature, you probably find looking for even more and more ways to highlight useful information in your data. A question that often comes up among these…
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Nesting Functions in Excel – A Tutorial for Beginners

Most of us begin using Excel by creating simple worksheets that organize data and perform simple calculations. Then, we might dabble with some of Excel’s many pre-set functions for more complex calculations. You know you’re a real Excel addict, however, when you start thinking How can I crunch my data…
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Using Excel Conditional Formatting Based on Date

Turning your cluttered spreadsheet of data into living, actionable information can be as simple as adding visual cues. Unless you are really good at doing date calculations in your head, conditional formatting is especially helpful when determining ages or anticipating birthdays and anniversaries. The following steps show how to perform…
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Time-Saving Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet

Syntax, Operators and Functions…Oh My! Do you speak Excel? Are you just starting out and trying to remember the go-to lingo? Well, today’s blog post is a snapshot of helpful cheat sheet material to help you build your Excel skills. Advanced Filter Criteria Popular Excel Functions and Descriptions Next Steps…
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Get the Most Out of Excel’s Conditional Formatting

As a continuation of our post last week, we decided to expand on some great uses from conditional formatting. Highlighting negative values in red and using several built-in conditions is great when you are starting out, but you are not getting nearly enough bang for your buck! Here are three…
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Highlight Valuable Data With Excel Conditional Formulas

You can conditionally format your data in order to draw attention to outliers and quickly assess how significant your data points are. Conditional formatting can be used to highlight interesting cells, emphasize unusual values, and visualize data using data bars, color scales, and icon sets based on specific criteria. Excel…
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How to Transfer Data from Excel to Word Automatically

Excel lives up to its name when crunching numbers or organizing data. However, when you want to convey ideas beyond the table or graph, you will almost certainly turn to Word or PowerPoint. In the examples below, we are going to look at several different ways you can export, or…
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Tips for Data Management in Excel

Becoming an Excel expert is more than learning functions and cobbling together formulas. A significant part of using Excel to its full potential is knowing the art of data management. This includes everything from knowing how to set up your worksheets to managing data entry to good maintenance practices.  Here…
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Excel What-if Analysis: Goal Seek

Ever find yourself wondering if Excel could help you answer the question: "What values would I need to get a known result?" The What-if Analysis features, available in Excel 2010 and up, give you the tools to do just that. Unlike functions and formulas that take given values and return…
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Excel What-if Analysis: Scenarios

If you think of Excel as just a database for storing dead data, you will be pleasantly surprised to learn about Excel's What-if analysis tools. Excel offers several features that allow a user to make predictions, or evaluate outcomes based upon variable inputs. In this article, we are going to…
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