Category: Excel®

Interactive Excel Charts: Create a Chart Selector

More and more data has led to more and more opportunities to present it in visually understandable ways. However, it can get frustrating having to navigate through a large workbook, just to find the exact chart you need. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create an interactive chart selector.…
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Making the Most of the Excel Macro Recorder Feature

Did you ever think to yourself, “There should be a shortcut for that!” Well, even if there isn’t, there can be! All you may have to do is record a macro. A word of caution before we begin: The one thing you can be sure of, as new versions of…
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PivotTable from a PivotTable

While it is not technically possible to pivot a pivot table, you can reduce the number of records to analyze by using some of the functionality available in Excel 2010 and later versions. Download Pivot Table from Pivot Table.xlsx to work along. The Steps To accomplish the goal of reducing…
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List of Essential Excel Formulas

There are hundreds of functions in Excel that can be very helpful in crunching numbers and transforming data into information. Here are three categories of critical functions that every savvy Excel user should know how to read and use. See these formulas and functions in action by downloading: List of…
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It’s About Time! Excel Timesheet Formulas

Date and time math is one of the strengths of Excel. However, it helps to know a few secrets and hidden gems to make your timesheet calculations work smoothly. In this practice, we’ll work with several different Excel functions. But first we need a basis from which to understand how…
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The Guide to Animated Excel Graphs

There are a lot of cool new tools in the latest professional versions of Excel that allow you to add some animation to your charts and graphs. However, with a little help from PowerPoint, you can do some types of animation in almost any version! While animating chart data can…
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Two Ways to Compare Columns in Excel

Did you ever squint at two columns of data and examine them row by row to compare the values? Excel can do all that hard work for you in three different ways. Download CompareColumnsinExcel.xlsx to follow along. Note: All values will appear highlighted on the This Equals That Worksheet, initially.…
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Excel Macro Email

Among the many little-known and perhaps even-less-used hacks one could exploit via Microsoft Office, an Excel macro email can save precious hours on a weekly basis. As a bonus, understanding the nature of these handy little "cheats" provides an incidental beginner's introduction to some very basic principles of coding. This…
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How to Create a Custom Function in Excel

Excel functions are actually shortcuts to more complex calculations. Like a macro is to a series of steps, a function is to a longer equation. While Excel is packed full of functions, you may find that you have proprietary formulas that you use regularly that would be useful as a…
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Using Excel Conditional Formatting Based on Another Column or Cell

Steps in this article will apply to Excel 2007-2016. Images were taken using Excel 2016. Conditional formatting is a useful Excel feature that can help you quickly scan your data without resorting to complicated filtering or fussy charts. Often, you will use conditional formatting to call attention to cells that…
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