Organizations have been conducting virtual meetings for some time now, but never to the extent we are today.? Recent events have changed how companies conduct business in multiple areas—especially in the HR department. During this one hour webinar, HR professionals will learn about Title VII anti-discrimination laws and the impact of virtual meetings, along with best practices to ensure compliance and sound legal standing. Become knowledgeable in conducting virtual meetings that are safe, confidential, fair and legal.
This is an unedited webinar recording from 4/22/2020.
This is an unedited webinar recording from 4/22/2020.
- How to conduct a job interview virtually while ensuring compliance with Title VII laws.
- Methods for conducting patterned interviews remotely.
- How and when virtual meetings should be used to advance disciplinary action between a manager and a subordinate.
- Best practices for conducting a performance evaluation virtually.
- Recommended ways for configuring a virtual meeting as it applies to video and audio.
- Productive discussion on the various platforms available for holding secure remote meetings.
- Suggestions on when to have a conference call vs. virtual meeting.