HTML Basics

Gain a working knowledge of Web page structure and formatting in this powerful course for beginners!

One Hour Webinar

You've spent hours writing the perfect content for your organization's next web update. You're looking forward to having your polished and professional work out there for clients and customers to see. You go to copy from your source and paste your work into the content management system and suddenly your content is marred with strange line breaks, funny-looking marks in the text and unintended font formatting that would throw any reader for a loop. You immediately use the WYSIWYG editor to try and correct the errors, but it would be so much easier if you could simply modify and update the HTML directly!

HTML is the building block of all basic websites. Each web browser uses the elements of HTML, which consist of tags, to interpret and display the content of a given webpage. If you're not familiar with the elements and attributes used in HTML, it can be very complex and difficult to manipulate. Users with little or no formal training can easily find themselves searching on the Internet or digging through manuals in an effort to figure out which tag is incorrect or where an angle bracket is missing.

Just think about some of your most problematic formatting and content manipulation issues. Do you ever find yourself:

  • Overwhelmed by the number of attributes in your document and trying to pinpoint the exact location of your error?
  • Struggling to utilize colors and fonts appropriately so that the end result is attractive and readable?
  • Confused by the order in which certain tags need to be presented?
  • Longing to duplicate a great webpage design you've seen but unsure of where to start?
  • Wondering how to put it all together when trying to create a webpage from scratch?
  • Frustrated with your inability to maximize what tools like WordPress, Blogger and Microsoft® Outlook® have to offer?

Don't spend another minute frazzled and frustrated, letting the complexities of HTML get the best of you. By understanding the basics of HTML syntax, you'll be able to edit and change blog posts, emails, eNewsletters, articles and many other types of webpage content in a snap. We'll provide you with a solid and straightforward overview of the essentials for learning how to troubleshoot HTML errors and modify your content so that it looks the way you want it to and says exactly what you need it to. More importantly, you'll be sailing through projects like never before, wondering why you waited so long to take control of your content and its presentation.

With the tools and techniques provided in this information-packed webinar you can learn to make the most of every project and piece of content you post. HTML Basics will help you to better understand how webpages are displayed and how you can easily and effortlessly make your own look the way you want them to. Eliminate the stress and frustration of making mistakes that take precious time away from all the other things on your to-do list and get on your way to becoming a more productive and professional content publisher today!

In just one hour, you'll discover the need-to-know elements of basic HTML that will have you creating and presenting your Web content like a pro. Make the most of your webpages, e-mails, blogs and much more by learning to edit HTML with ease and troubleshoot even the peskiest of problems in a snap!

HTML Online Course: HTML Basics Class

Gain a working knowledge of Web page structure and formatting in this powerful course for beginners!

Don't spend another minute frazzled and frustrated, letting the complexities of HTML get the best of you. By understanding the basics of HTML syntax, you'll be able to edit and change blog posts, emails, eNewsletters, articles and many other types of webpage content in a snap.

  • The types of HTML tags — including start and end tags, attributes, document tags and formatting tags — and how they're used
  • Practical practice and tips for finding the missing tag
  • Techniques for nesting tags correctly
  • How to add lists, links and images to your HTML
  • The importance of the ALT text in image tags
  • What codes to use to add copyright and other symbols
  • How to create line breaks and add additional spaces when needed
  • Tips for putting all of your knowledge together and creating webpages on your own
  • How to make the most of various Web tools and other uses for HTML besides webpages

Marketers, Web designers, desktop publishing professionals, educators, administrative assistants — anyone and everyone who might be tasked with Web content creation and manipulation or is simply looking to get a basic understanding of HTML and how to edit it!