How to Supervise Off-Site Employees

One Hour Webinar

Being a manager or supervisor is tough even for the most seasoned professionals. Additionally, supervising off-site employees provides its own set of unique challenges. Communication can be more difficult, accountability levels can fall and team conflicts can easily arise. If you find yourself managing employees from a distance, you need to learn how to keep your team on task, even when you can't be there to watch over everyone.

Do these situations sound familiar to you?

  • Are you or your team members experiencing communication problems because everyone is not in the same location?
  • Does it seem that your team members who telecommute tend to miss out on important conversations and opportunities?
  • Have you experienced team conflict or setbacks due to the inability to work face to face?
  • Is it more difficult to effectively manage the performance and work of those team members working off-site?
  • Are you faced with the challenge of evaluating the performance and work habits of those you rarely see?
  • Are you the "off-site" manager of a team or variety of teams, and want to have more confidence that everyday tasks and other important projects are staying the course when you're not there?

These are just a handful of the difficult situations you may be facing on a regular basis. Learn techniques to help your team function more effectively and efficiently with this one-hour program More and more companies are working with off-site employees. Maybe, as the manager, you cover a large region … and you are the off-site manager managing on-site employees. Either way, if handled correctly, the situation can benefit the organization and offer excellent opportunities for employees. On the other hand, the relationship between the manager and employee can become difficult and downright miserable if handled improperly. While more organizations are using or moving to this arrangement, few companies emphasize how to supervise off-site employees or manage situations where the manager and employee or team are in different locations.

Don't continue struggling with the task of supervising off-site employees. This powerful one-hour webinar will provide you with the knowledge and know-how to keep your team's productivity high and conflict low, regardless of each employee's location.

How to Supervise Off-Site Employees

Being a manager or supervisor is tough even for the most seasoned professionals. Additionally, supervising off-site employees provides its own set of unique challenges. Communication can be more difficult, accountability levels can fall and team conflicts can easily arise. If you find yourself managing employees from a distance, you need to learn how to keep your team on task, even when you can't be there to watch over everyone.

  • Discover ways to structure your remote team for maximum effectiveness
  • Develop an effective communication strategy for managing employees in multiple locations
  • Explore new ways that technology can improve the effectiveness of your entire team
  • Identify the underlying cause of team conflict, learn to manage conflict and encourage a productive work environment
  • Overcome the challenges of managing and motivating team members who work off-site
  • Conquer the stress that goes along with managing employees in multiple locations

Managers, directors and project leaders of remote teams, regional and area managers, directors and vice-presidents, HR managers and managers and supervisors of telecommuters.