Communication occupies up to 75% of every working day. Are your people trained to make the most of it?
In just one day, participants will learn:
- The art of active listening - how to ensure that they understand what their co-workers are really saying.
- Tips for remaining professional during angry or emotionally charged confrontations.
- How to correct recurring problems in an organization’s communication chain.
- Four proven actions that build trust and rapport.
- How to handle people who have difficulty listening and understanding.
- A step-by-step plan to create better communication channels and foster “team spirit” within a department, work group or entire organization.
Key learning points….
- Prevent mistakes and misunderstandings by giving complete, clear instructions.
- Learn how to “do it right the first time” by asking and answering questions the right way.
- Use the "whole brain" approach to communicating.
- Identify the signals of body language and discover unintentional messages you may be sending.
- Initiate a difficult conversation with a fail-safe way for getting desirable results.
- Guide, direct and correct people without creating hard feelings, making enemies or destroying good relationships.
- Know a practical guideline for general vs. specific communication, and when you should use each approach.
- Learn to say "NO" even when you’re being pressured into saying "yes."
As a result of this training
Your employees will be able to persuade and motivate others, solve problems and display leadership qualities with a full range of new and powerful communication skills. You have our written guarantee of complete satisfaction.
Communication occupies up to 75% of every working day. Are your people trained to make the most of it?
Minimize work disrution, utilize the “Art” of listening and better understand what message you are sending with this powerful one-day seminar. Regardless of titles, job descriptions or educational backgrounds, all members of an organization must communicate. This exciting seminar provides practical techniques that guarantee your employees will have better, more effective communication skills the very next day!
Download BrochureCommunication Basics: The Who, What and Why of Successful Communications
- Learn four critical tasks you must accomplish to send and receive every message clearly.
- Avoid the manager’s #1 communication mistake.
- Learn the innovative four-step communication cycle that will enable you to communicate with anyone, anytime.
- Discover how to extract the information you need from employees, co-workers and managers.
- Become a “communication entrepreneur” by taking advantage of the dozens of communication opportunities that occur every day.
- Find out how to handle discussions between “unequal” parties.
- Learn how to turn disagreement into a positive dialogue.
- Discover how the eight principles of communication affect discussions in ways you may not be aware of.
- Understand the “container myth” and why it may be responsible for misinterpretation of messages.
- Find sensible solutions that prevent every day time pressures from destroying complete, clear communications.
- Adjust to the style differences that can stand between you and others.
The Art of Listening: How to Hear and Understand Others
- Learn how five essential listening viewpoints help you hear even the most subtle communications.
- Discover down-to-earth practices that convince others you hear and understand them.
- Use practical steps to deal with the “speaking/hearing mismatch.”
- Master the art of “in-and-out” listening and never again miss important information.
- Learn how to understand the critical 93% of communication that poor listeners often miss.
- Become familiar with little-known listening tricks that interpret pitch, tone, and inflection.
- Find out how to read body language.
- Use the “paraphrasing” method to ensure that you understand the message someone is communicating.
- Learn seven easy-to-use signals that make speakers feel they are understood.
- Dispel bad listening habits that prevent you from finding good compromises and solutions.
- Discover eight quick tips that help you listen to angry, agitated speakers in highly charged pressure situations.
Sending Your Message: How to Communicate with Anyone and Be Understood
- Understand negative, neutral and positive talk - use the right tone in every conversation.
- Communicate bad news tactfully and diplomatically without causing hard feelings or defensiveness.
- Learn powerful methods to communicate negative information without sugarcoating the truth.
- Use persuasive communication skills that convince people to accept – even support – change and transition.