A master session for reserved and reflective leaders
According to Harvard Business Review (HBR), only 2% of people in senior leadership roles identify as introverted. Yet nearly half the population is introverted. According to HBR studies, introverts as leaders are shown to listen more carefully and show greater receptivity to suggestions, making them more effective leaders. This 3-hour interactive seminar will help introverted leaders realize their leadership style and get the acknowledgements they deserve.
Introverted leadership qualities can benefit all in supervisor positions, as introverts think deeply about team goals and then challenge themselves to produce thoughtful solutions and ideas. Introverts in leadership roles let others shine and often acknowledge them for their accomplishments. Leadership for introverts can be challenging when it comes to putting the spotlight on themselves and their own accomplishments and getting moved into senior roles. This half-day online seminar will help empower those who ask, "can a leader be an introvert?" by ensuring these reserved and reflective leaders have the right tools. Learn to leverage quiet strengths to find your voice... and amplify it.
A master session for reserved and reflective leaders
Introverted leaders think deeply about team goals and then challenge themselves to produce thoughtful solutions and ideas. Introverts in leadership roles let others shine and often acknowledge them for their accomplishments.
Download Brochure- The difference between Introverts and Extroverts.
- Methods to identify and leverage introverted leadership qualities
- Ways to build your confidence.
- Tips to tap into inner-power as a leader.
- Strategies to ensure your voice is heard in meetings and one-on-ones.
- Methods to manage your nervousness and bolster your confidence when speaking in public.