Make every call more positive & productive
When you talk to a caller, you are not just speaking for yourself — you're representing your entire organization. Make sure you are displaying the professional, polished image your organization wants to project.
Program Highlights
- The 5 main reasons callers complain — and how to respond
- Emotional trigger words to avoid
- 8 steps to disarm angry callers and reach a positive solution
- Subtle ways to find out what a stumbling or indecisive caller really wants
- Techniques to get through to non-stop talkers without offending them
- How to respond when a caller has been mishandled or misinformed by someone at your organization
The telephone is often your first contact with customers and clients. It is imperative that you and your employees make a positive, lasting impression every time. Professional Telephone Skills will give you a crash course in the communication techniques that everyone — from receptionists to top executives — should know and practice. You'll learn specific skills to help you deal with angry and abusive callers, and end every call with a mutually beneficial resolution.