Pryor Learning Case Studies
We plan and deliver. You implement and achieve.
Pryoritize Results
Looking for a learning partner to help navigate from ideation to implementation to results-oriented training solutions? Pryor Learning has helped more than 13 million learners and 300,000 businesses launch corporate training programs of all sizes. From department-led teams to Fortune 500 companies with satellite offices worldwide, Pryor custom-tailors specialized learning plans to meet individual and organizational goals.
Close skill-gaps, grow star employees, deliver just-in-time training and ensure compliance and workplace safety with Pryor’s live and online offerings. Explore our case studies and learn how we can help.
We plan and deliver. You implement and achieve.
City of Alexandria – Case Study
“Pryor+ has significantly helped us with recruiting and retention. Prospective and current employees know they can access training to use in their current position, as well as help their career grow with the City of Alexandria.”
– Harry J. Kantrovich, Ed.D.
Chief Learning Officer, City of Alexandria

Huhtamaki – Case Study
“We view Pryor Learning as an integral partner and extension of our staff. They do everything from new course design, to handling the learning management system to employee communications about the offerings. This allows my staff and I to concentrate on other responsibilities.”
– Kelly Burke,
Corporate HR Manager, Huhtamaki

Midwest Energy – Case Study
“With our employees spread out over a large geographic area, Pryor Learning’s online courses really help us level the playing field so all employees have an opportunity to grow and develop.”
– Ruth Bealer, Manager of
Organizational Development, Midwest Energy

MULTIVAC – Case Study
“Our company has experienced significant growth in a very short time. We know that adding high performers to our team is critical to keeping our customer service levels high, but we also know simply adding head-count isn’t the only solution. We are committed to elevating our talent’s skillsets through structured collaboration with Pryor Learning.”
– Christine Regan, Sr. Director of
Human Resources, MULTIVAC