Traits of a Successful Project Manager

Successful project managers have plenty of positive traits that help boost sales, launch new products, increase efficiency in the workplace, and implement new processes.

Command Authority and Keep the Project Moving
Command authority by leading others to see the end goal and help navigate the path to completion. Take charge by communicating with and involving others, conducting meetings to keep the project on track, and providing support to the team.

Manage Time — Yours and The Project
Successful project managers are well-organized and understand what needs to happen to complete the project. Manage your time using to tools to help you be more efficient. Keep the project on time by setting deadlines, helping others manage their time, and regularly reviewing status updates.

Resolve Conflict
Conflict can arise anytime with a client or employee, or between project team members. Conflicts typically rise out of misunderstanding and a change in project scope and/or deadlines. Look at conflict as an opportunity to solve a problem. A calm, confident project manager focuses on the problem, not the person, and helps troubleshoot the situation by focusing on the facts while diffusing any negative emotions or responses to the circumstances.

Check your online library for more on successful managers, including courses like: