Tag: Technology

Technology in Business Communication

The technology explosion of the past two decades has left businesses running catch-up. It’s easy for an individual to use a smart phone, but how does a large, or even not-so-large, organization leverage that convenience into business advantage? In some cases, communication technology has even harmed efficiencies by introducing tools…
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Technology Differences: Women vs. Men

Women Use Technology Differently than Men: Here’s How The consumer market consistently reveals that women not only use technology, they are early adopters and buy more than men in certain cases. But that doesn’t mean women use their smartphones and laptops the same way as their male counterparts, or for…
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Three Ways Technology Boosts Customer Satisfaction

There’s a tendency to think of customer service as a people-centric service – and rightly so. Our customers are people, and customers like human interaction. Customers even often prefer in-person or over-the phone conversations with a real person to resolve customer service issues1. That does not mean, though, that technology…
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What does Professionalism Look like?

What does professionalism look like? Do you “know it when you see it”? Take a look at the images below and sort them into two groups: More Professional and Less Professional. Did you sort all of the people with digital devices into one group or the other? If not –…
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