Tag: customer service best practices

Why Clear Communication in Customer Service is Essential to Business

Communication is essential for most human-to-human interactions, and customer service is a key example of these interactions.  Effective customer service involves “reading” the other person, gathering information, and responding to those needs.

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Learn from Customers in Challenging Times

Learn from Customers in Challenging Times

The pandemic has fundamentally changed many businesses, and the expectations and needs of many customers. How can a business learn from and use these changes to improve customer service?

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Customer Service: Managing Bad Customers

Recent news stories have described the challenges that many customer service professionals face in today’s environment.  These stories capture customer impatience with understaffed businesses, objections to public health guidance and irritation about missing items due to supply chain shortages.

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Love Your Customers

No matter what business you are in, if you don’t have customers, you don’t have a business. You want to build a strong relationship with your customers that keeps them coming back. Afterall, customers do business with people they know, like and trust. Let’s ensure they don’t just “like” you…
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