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Read with Speed: Celebrating National Reading Month

National Reading Month is a great time to reflect on your reading habits. Try these speed reading exercises to help you on your way: Skim with Purpose, Review your Understanding. Want to assess your speed reading ability? Start a timer, and then pick a chapter in a book and read…
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Three Management Success Books

Looking for some good management books for National Reading Month? Here are three that have been around a while but remain timeless in their insights. “The Goal” by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox (North River Press; 30th Anniversary Edition; 2014). Who thought an operations management book could be such…
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Building a New Project Team

Many articles focus on the importance of teamwork. Often, these articles assume the team is in place, and your goal is to introduce team building activities that maximize its performance. In this article, we share activities that can help build a project team when it is first getting started: Define…
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Great Team Building Icebreakers

Sometimes, a team doesn’t need or isn’t quite ready for an in-depth set of team building activities.  Maybe it’s a team that is just forming after reorganization, or maybe it’s a team of individual contributors and teamwork is less essential to success. In these cases, team building icebreakers can be…
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Selecting Team Building Activities: Maximizing the Benefits

Many managers are interested in realizing the benefits of team building, but aren’t sure where to start in selecting team building activities. Here are some questions to ask when selecting effective activities for your team: Is there a clear learning point? Effective teambuilding activities are designed to highlight and develop…
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Organizing Desks in the Age of Mobility

Today’s work office is changing, and with it, comes a change in how we organize our workspaces. People may split time between a work office and a home office for telework. Others may work in “hoteling” spaces, moving from desk to desk daily. Others work in client spaces that periodically…
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Master Your Messy Workspace with These Desk Organization Ideas

David sighed. He read it was time for “national clean off your desk day,” and was preparing for the usual gibes from his office mates about how he badly needed to embrace the concept of work office organization. “The problem is,” David confided in me, “is that I NEED all…
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Dealing with Your Desk: Harnessing Your Habits

Organizing your desk is a deeply personal activity. How you interact with your work office reflects how you interact with the world around you, so understanding those interactions can help you make meaningful changes to increase productivity. Are you someone who prefers to engage with the electronic world to communicate,…
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Linking Human Resource and Business Metrics

Many organizations maintain department-specific metrics and dashboards to track their success. True organizational integration and performance demands that departments work together to identify the metrics that cross boundaries for greater success. Here are three examples of how HR metrics and analytics can be integrated with business measures to assess human…
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Rating Recruitment: Human Resource Metrics

Recruiting is usually a core activity in Human Resources (HR) Departments, and developing meaningful recruitment metrics can help HR clearly and succinctly communicate its success in this area. Here are some examples of HR delivery metrics specifically related to recruiting, and why they are important. Number of applicants per position: Knowing…
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