Category: OSHA & Workplace Safety

Emergency Preparedness: Planning for Events 

No one likes to think about the worst that could happen – especially given how many events fill our day even without the unexpected happening. Nonetheless, the daily news is filled with stories that should remind us of the importance of emergency preparedness.  This article provides a systematic way to consider the events that could occur, and to assess our readiness.

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Emergency Preparedness in Everyday Life and Work

Life is busy!  Just keeping up with everyday activities and tasks is a challenge for most people.  While we may think about what might go wrong on any given day, we are often not thinking about out-of-the-ordinary emergencies.  How ready are you for when things go significantly haywire?  This article talks about basic emergency preparedness in everyday life.

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Using Workplace Safety to Build Employee Engagement

The workplace is a dynamic environment that requires individuals to be both vigilant and proactive to protect themselves and others. Getting creative in how we address workplace safety can also be a way to build employee engagement. 

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In a New Normal, A Renewed Look at Workplace Safety

Over the past few years, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and National institutes of Health (NIH) have gotten a lot of attention, due to the public health threat of the pandemic. However, now that many workplaces are returning to previous operations, another agency deserves some attention: the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

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National Safety Month: Assess and Act

The first step in developing or revising your personal or organizational safety plan is assessment. Here are several areas that you should consider – either as a leader of others, or for your own safety and well-being.

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National Safety Month: Tips for Observing Workplace Safety

The National Safety Council is America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate and provides a variety of tools and resources that organizations and leaders can use to create safer workplaces.  The organization celebrates June as National Safety Month, making it an appropriate time to pause and take stock of safety practices at work, at home and on the road.

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Systematic Workplace Safety: Asking Who and When?

Preparedness takes different forms and needs different tools depending on who is impacted and when.  Here are two scales to consider:

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Workplace Safety in a Remote Work World

There has been a significant shift towards work-at-home arrangements over the past couple of years, and many see the remote workplace as a permanent feature in the future.  For organizations, this is a good time to think about new workplace safety needs in this virtual environment

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Bridging Work and Life – Eight General Tips for Preparedness

For National Preparedness Month, it is useful to assess your readiness for an emergency.  If you were notified you had to leave your home within the hour, what would you do and what would you regret not having in place? 

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Workplace Safety at Home: Assessing Your Environment

Take a look at your home office – what might an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspector see?  As more organizations move to increased levels of telework, it is important for leaders to revisit their policies and practices related to home office support, and for teleworking employees to take…
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