Category: Grammar & Writing Skills

Great Grammar: A Tool for Powerful Business Communications

Let’s face it: grammar might not set your heart racing, but it’s a fundamental tool in the world of business communication. Every now and then, it’s worth dusting off those grammar skills and getting back to basics.

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Effective Business Communications from the Inside Out

With today’s focus on social media – quick posts on LinkedIn, photos on videos, videos on TikTok – it can feel like there is no role for traditional writing as a form of business communications.  Not true!  Writing remains critical for internal and external audiences, as a way to communicate essential information in a way that others can access and use. 

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Business Writing for Clarity and Impact

The best writing is clear communication that your audience can understand and use. This helps increase effectiveness and accountability – in other words, your writing will have greater impact, because people will know what to expect next or what to do. 

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Business Writing and Grammar: Real World Tips

Writing is a key skill and core competency in most workplaces. Why? Writing communicates essential information in a way that others can access and use.  Every piece you create should have a goal, and the structure and words in that document should fulfill that goal.

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Five Tips for Creative Business Writing

Your boss has asked you to write an article for the company website about an important project your team just finished.  You are proud of the project and getting the word out will be exciting! You sit down to type. You look at the empty Word document.  And the blank…
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Proofreading Hacks: From Sloppy to Superb

Business writing is an important work activity, and effectively proofreading a document can be the difference between sloppy and superb.  Here are some hacks for doing it well: Find and Replace Slang. The term “hack,” for example, is great for a blog. Not so great for business correspondence. Check your…
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Writing to Be Read

Here’s an activity to celebrate National Reading Month: practice your own writing!  When we think about speed reading exercises, we often think about our role as a reader. In this article, we review writing tips that will help others speed read what we write! Headings and Bullets. In today’s information…
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Want to Boost Productivity? Have Employees Read a Book!

Would you like to boost employee confidence? Improve empathy? How about encouraging curiosity and critical thinking across all levels of your organization? What if, in doing so, you could also foster a new sense of community and engagement? Now, imagine if I told you all you needed to do was…
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Six Word Selfie

Selfies. Even the word can come off as self-centered. Barely discernable landmarks, oblivious celebrities and current events blur behind odd faces, cocked heads and flashy grins. The word was, for better or worse, added to our lexicon this year, though it’s not always well understood (John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight…
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Seven Lessons from Fiction

You can read my mind. It’s true. Watch: Imagine a desk, cluttered, lit by the hazy glow of a computer monitor and an overhead fluorescent fixture. A slate gray phone barely peeks out from beneath a cascade of file folders and papers. On top of the precarious stack sits a…
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