Category: Continuing Education Category

Continuing Education for Accountants

Just as some employees negotiate for more continuing education opportunities through their employer, employees in those industries that require continuing education credit often grumble and complain. Instead of grousing, here are some tips to get the most out of those CPE credits and maybe even make them a little more…
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How to Get the Most Out of Your Continuing Education Benefit Program

In today’s competitive environment, businesses in all industries across the U.S., but especially in Tech and Healthcare, are looking for ways to recruit and retain employee talent. It may be a surprise to you that as many as 95 percent of businesses offer financial support for employee education as an…
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Continuing Education – Not just for Employees Anymore!

In November of last year, Fortune magazine reported that unfilled job openings at U.S. businesses create an economic cost of roughly $160 billion a year.[1] Yes, that’s with a B. The article attributes a part of this due to decreased production when positions remain unfilled. For example, when an open…
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