Category: Computer

Connecting Data and Business: Advancing the Mission

As a member of your team, knowing the connection between data and business is essential to corporate success and finding opportunities for growth.

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Data Analysis and Analytics: Getting Started

Get a quick overview of training on data analysis and analytics with Pryor Learning, including how to understand what data is and how to read it correctly.

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Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Against Cyber Threats  

Cyberattacks have caused widespread chaos targeting small and large organizations with devastating consequences. From ransomware attacks on a local government to the brazen thefts of customer data, even government agencies have found themselves vulnerable to through Denial-of-Service attacks rendering their website paralyzed. 

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5 Excel NON-Keyboard Shortcuts You Wish You’d Learned Sooner

Did you know that the Excel application has been around since 1985? As an almost 40 year old program, Excel has added not only calculation tools and functionality over the years, it has also invested in solid user experience and quality-of-life useability improvements.

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Working with Data: Improving Organizational Outcomes

Data isn’t just for statisticians, data scientists and computer specialists!  Most employees and supervisors benefit from understanding this resource in today's data-driven world.

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The Dichotomies of Data: Understanding Data Opposites

Understanding data involves understanding differences in data types. This article describes dichotomies, opposites or dualities that help us broaden our view about the types of data that may be important for our organization and in our jobs.

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Staying Safe and Fighting Stress

Safety comes in many forms, and we often think about our physical and emotional safety needs first. In today’s computer-driven world, cybersecurity – protecting our online identity and environment - is also imperative.  We live in a digital age and our personal and business relationships are now often located online, in our email, social media, video chats, web browsing history and messages.

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Adobe® Photoshop® Project Management

One of the most commonly used computer software for creative professionals is Adobe® Photoshop®. Below are a few tips and organizational strategies to help those using Adobe Photoshop to stay organized, improve project turn around and enhance accuracy. Project Planning: When taking on a project, remain aware of its distinct phases…
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Top Three Risks of Cryptocurrencies for Small Businesses

With all the hype in 2018 surrounding cryptocurrencies, the appeal of making a fortune by joining the cryptocurrency market is enticing. It seems a new cryptocurrency pops up every day (currently there are more than 1300 available), there are no signs of it slowing down. Unfortunately, there are as many…
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Top Three Things Businesses Need to Know About Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain technology has exploded into the public awareness with the rapid rise of cryptocurrency as a tradable commodity. Digital currency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple utilize blockchain applications to create “coins” or “tokens” which are exchanged through a specific platform of networked computers. As business owners enter this space,…
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